Benefits of Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers in Sparta, MI

At Sparta Family Dentistry, we offer this restorative treatment and can help you transform your smile and improve your overall dental health.

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What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are custom-made shells of tooth-colored material designed to fit right over the front of your teeth. They provide a sleek-like appearance, masking any imperfections or discolorations while also strengthening and protecting your teeth.

Veneers can be tailored to suit someone’s unique facial features, individual smile preferences, and overall aesthetics. In some cases, they are even used to fill gaps between teeth or alter tooth shape or length for a dream smile transformation.

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Did you know…

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Dental veneers were first introduced in Hollywood in the 1920's to help actors improve the appearance of their teeth on screen

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Benefits of Dental Veneers

Improved Appearance

Dental veneers can be used to improve the appearance of your teeth by correcting various imperfections. They can help brighten up discolored teeth and fill in gaps between teeth. Veneers can also be used to give your teeth a more symmetrical look, and even out the size and shape of your teeth.


Veneers are made of a stain-resistant material that can help keep your teeth looking bright and white. This is particularly beneficial if you enjoy drinking coffee, tea, or red wine, which can stain your natural teeth.

Minimal Rooth Reduction

Unlike other dental procedures, veneers require only a little tooth to be removed. And since they are custom-made for your teeth, they provide a natural-looking solution that blends in seamlessly with your existing teeth.

Our Veneer Placement Process: What to Expect

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On your first visit to our practice, Dr. Goodyke will look at the condition of your teeth and have a conversation about your aspirations for cosmetic dentistry in order to see if veneers are an appropriate choice for you.

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If you’re a good candidate for veneers, we'll remove a small amount of tooth enamel and take impressions of your teeth to create custom veneers.

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Once your veneers are ready, our Sparta dentist will bond them to your teeth using a special dental adhesive and curing light. We'll then make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable and natural-looking fit.

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We'll schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure your veneers are functioning correctly and provide you with aftercare instructions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The veneer placement process typically takes two to three visits, with each visit lasting about an hour.

Veneers don’t require any special care beyond regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. However, you should avoid biting or chewing hard objects and foods to prevent damaging the veneers. Properly caring for your veneers protects your investment. Your veneers will last longer if you practice good oral hygiene.

Veneers should not affect your speech, but you may need some time to adjust to the new feel of your teeth.

"We treat each person like they are our own family members and we are very deliberate and thorough in providing the highest quality care that we can achieve."
– Dr. Austin Goodyke

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