The Benefits Of Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery in Sparta, MI

If you’re dealing with a dental issue, there’s no need to wait in pain. Whether you require multiple dental implants or a simple extraction, oral surgery can correct issues and set your smile up for long-term success.

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What Is Oral Surgery?

In a general sense, oral surgery can refer to any procedure done on your mouth, including simple treatments like dental fillings. But this term is usually used to refer to more complex, invasive dental procedures such as root canal therapy, tooth extractions, dental implant placement, and bone grafts, to name just a few. 

Depending on your case, oral surgery can help you restore your existing teeth, or extract and replace damaged teeth. Oral surgeries are an important part of restorative dentistry, and at Sparta Family Dentistry, Dr. Goodyke can provide the care you need, all under one roof. Contact us online or give us a call at (616) 887-0131 to schedule a consultation, and find out if you need oral surgery in Sparta, MI.

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Did you know…

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Wisdom tooth extractions are the most common type of oral surgery, with more than 10 million wisdom teeth being removed each year in the U.S. alone.

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The Benefits Of Oral Surgery

Prevent further complications

Depending on your situation, oral surgery can help relieve pain and prevent further complications. For example, surgical extractions for impacted wisdom teeth will eliminate pain, and prevent damage to the nearby teeth.

Prepare for further treatment

In many cases, oral surgeries are needed to prepare for further dental treatment. Bone grafts and alveoloplasty may be necessary to prepare you to get a dental implant.

Get long-term results

In many cases, oral surgeries are needed to prepare for further dental treatment. Bone grafts and alveoloplasty may be necessary to prepare you to get a dental implant.

Types Of Oral Surgery We Provide

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Bone grafts

Before you can get a dental implant, you may need a bone graft. Bone grafts are necessary if your jaw bone has been weakened by tooth loss or gum disease. In a bone graft, your Sparta dentist will make an opening in your gums and jaw, place bone particles in your jaw bone, and then clean and seal the area. Over time, healthy bone material will grow over the bone particles, restoring your jaw bone and preparing you for a dental implant.

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Surgical tooth extractions

If your tooth has not fully erupted and is impacted, or the top has broken off, a surgical tooth extraction may be necessary. In this procedure, Dr. Goodyke will make an incision in your gums, cut the tooth into small sections, and extract it piece by piece.

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Alveoloplasty may be needed after tooth loss, and before you can get a dental implant, dentures, or a dental bridge. In this procedure, Dr. Goodyke will smooth out the bony ridges around the sockets where your missing teeth used to be. These ridges can be very sharp, and unless you get alveoloplasty, they may interfere with the fit and placement of replacements.

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Frequently Asked Questions

That depends on the extent of your oral health issues, and the particular details of your situation. The best way to find out if you need oral surgery is to visit Sparta Family Dentistry. After a comprehensive oral exam and x-rays, Dr. Goodyke can evaluate your situation and recommend the proper path forward for restoring your teeth and your oral health.

This depends on the surgery. Typically, it will take about 1-2 weeks for you to recover completely, though healing may continue for 3-4 weeks or longer. And in most cases, you can get back to your daily routine within a day or two of your oral surgery. Once you’re approved for treatment, Dr. Goodyke can discuss further details with you and provide you with a more accurate recovery timeline.

"We treat each person like they are our own family members and we are very deliberate and thorough in providing the highest quality care that we can achieve."
– Dr. Austin Goodyke

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